Friday 30 September 2011

Comedy Night - 15 September 2011

Chewing the Fat compilation e8 - Take a drink, goan, take a drink!  Still can't see why this never got shown south of the border.

Fast Show s3e2 - great episode, not only including a very young Tony Way (see comedy nights passim) in Suit You, the jazz dance outfit Thrusk (nice), but two classics: The Long Big Punch Up:

and this great remake of a British Cinema Classic:

Smith & Jones - special - The Boat People - I'd forgotten that Smith and Jones did a series of two handed comedy dramas as Smith and Jones in Small Doses (1989) .  This one based entirely inside a small sail boat is eminently watchable and shows that their ambitions were getting bigger than the sketch shows they were doing.

Gimme gimme gimme - millennium special - marvellous 2 hander (until the choir at the end) reflecting the crushing disappointment that is NYE and how it was magnified in 1999. That and some knob gags, of course.

Fun at the Funeral Parlour s1e4 - less patchy than other episodes and Art Malik as an evil hypnotist.

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