Friday 30 September 2011

Comedy Night - 29th September 2011

Marion and Geoff - s2e1 - Pathos pathos everywhere, possibly Rob Brydon's greatest moment.  Excellent combination of comic timing, improv and situation comedy.

Fast Show - s3e5 - the Channel 9 awards show sketch marks a return to the Channel 9 parodies actually being funny, especially with the comedy award.  A cruel caricature of Men Behaving Badly-era Martin Clunes. Also the début of Quayle the retriever.

Grass - e1 - the Fast Show spin off no one seems to remember, featuring Billy Bleach, Simon Day's pub knowall character.  Slow to start and rather dark, this was one of BBC3's first comedy's and Charlie Higson has said* that, like Swiss Toni, it was probably on the wrong channel for its target audience.

Gimme gimme gimme - Is Beryl really dead? How many uses for her coffin are there? The quality of this show really hasn't let up.

Show and Tell e3 - quality of guests takes a slight dip but still a strong line up.

*To me in a tweet. No really.  I made a noise like a small girl when I saw he'd messaged me. @monstroso is the handle he uses by the way, currently sending updates of Fast Show Faster they're doing for Fosters.

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