Thursday 22 September 2011

Comedy Night - 25 August 2011

TMWRNJ - s1e7 - Curious Orange starts to go bad.  For some reason I vividly remember how realistic the mouldy look was. *Ahem* Anyway.

Fast Show - s3e1 - Everything seems to start to come together in series 3, Swiss Toni appears, as does Chip Cobb the stuntman, Arabella Weir finds a decent catchphrase character (an old lady saying "Ha!", don't get me started on "Does my bum look big in this") and this, possibly self-referencial joke at the expense of themselves and their fans:

Spaced - s1e7 - in which The Shining gets parodied and the Super Happy walk first appears.

Smith & Jones - s4 compilation - including a parody of In At the Deep End, which was reality TV before it was invented. Or something.

Gimme gimme gimme s1e5 - Kathy Burke's acting of a drunk Linda being worth the admission price alone.  Incidentally, Beth Goddard (Suze)?  Sir Patrick Stewart's mum, at least in X-Men First Class.

Flight of the Conchords s2e9 - Sadly, I really want to go to NY to do tours like this one.  Now can I get a Midnight Cowboy outfit to stand in outside their apartment block?

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